Morrow County Area Transit is now hiring for the position of Fiscal Specialist/Supervisor with excellent Microsoft Office (Excel) skills, government accounting, and QuickBook skills.
This is a full-time position with benefits, including OPERS.
Starting pay is $16.80 per hour, depending on experience.
The Fiscal Specialist/Supervisor acts as the fiscal officer on behalf of MCAT in accordance with ODOT and FTA regulations.
This requires knowledge and understanding of ODOT and FTA rural public transit compliance requirements as well as strong budget and management experience. This position is responsible for compiling and balancing auditor reports, budget creation, and procurement.
A full position description will be given to applicants during the interview process and a copy shall be posted with this notice.
Please submit your resume to Adam McCombs, Transit Director, in person or by mail to 4565 County Road 9, Cardington, Ohio 43315, or email by clicking APPLY NOW.
Resumes will be accepted until the position is filled. Equal Employment Opportunity.
recblid ku8ard6w1glygfcc524jnve63k0ooz